Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Nail

This is a nail. It may just look like a simple nail to the average person. But this nail is no ordinary nail. It's meant to show the blood of Christ. This nail is to show what He did for me! The nail is to remind me how I am saved in Jesus. This nail is to show that He took my punishment. The red on the nail is to represent the blood shed for me. 

Who am I to deserve such a gift? 

What gift you make ask? 

A gift of.................G.R.A.C.E!!!!!! Yes grace! God loved me so much that he showed me grace and sent His ONLY son to die not just for me but for EVERYONE!!!! He calls me His beloved daughter and He says that He is well pleased with me. How amazing is that? 

He is well pleased with me. A broken sinner who has a jacked up life. I have made so many mistakes and newsflash I will make more. I am not perfect! No one is unless you are God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit (but I'm good at explaining the trinity so let's not go there). 

I keep that nail in my pocket everyday to remind me of the love that was shown to me and also to remind me that I didn't deserve what Jesus did but He loves me. 

With Easter coming up in the next month I thought this post would be fitting, This post is kind of short compared to others on my blog, but it's still worth writing to me. 

God bless,
